This weekend, many people will celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks. While this can be a great way to celebrate, it can also be dangerous. If proper precautions are not taken, serious and even deadly accidents can occur. Read on to learn more about firework safety tips.
Before lighting fireworks:
When lighting fireworks, it is important to make sure the scene is safe before you begin the event. Some tips to keep in mind beforehand include:
- Do not buy fireworks that come in brown paper. They are professional fireworks that should not be used in small neighborhoods.
- Make sure adults are present and children are never accessing fireworks
- Keep water nearby in the event that a fire starts
- Never carry fireworks in your pocket
- Never light fireworks in a glass or metal container
- Be sure that fireworks are legal in your area before buying them
- Keep your pets inside so they do not become scared or hurt
While lighting fireworks:
Once you have prepared the scene, you will have to ensure that you follow the necessary safety precautions when lighting the fireworks. Some of the most important things to remember are:
- Wear eye protection at all times
- Only light one firework at a time
- Never light fireworks indoors
- Never light fireworks in your hand
- Make certain all spectators are at a safe distance away from the display
- Quickly back away after lighting the display
- Do not throw or point fireworks at another person
- Never pick up and relight a firework if it did not properly combust
- After a firework goes off, wait 20 minutes then douse it with cool water
- Never consume drugs or alcohol while lighting fireworks
If an injury occurs:
If you are injured in a firework accident, it is important to call 911 immediately. The police can send an ambulance and help ensure that the scene is safe and no further injuries occur. You should also be sure to seek medical attention. Visit your doctor, the hospital, or an urgent care facility as soon as possible. If you were injured due to the negligence of another party, you may have a valid personal injury case. Contact an attorney to discuss your case.
If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence, our firm is here to help. Reach out today to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney.
Contact our Experienced New Jersey Firm
If you have been injured due to the negligence of another party, contact the Law Office of Christopher T. Howell, Esq. for a free consultation today.